Ikea top furniture store in Canadian survey


TORONTO — Canadian consumers say Ikea is their country’s top furniture retailer, according to a survey by Kubas Consulting, a retail specialist based here.

The research firm surveyed 1,243 Canadian consumers in February, concentrating on urban markets that represent more than 50% of the country’s retail sales.

The survey’s results are published in this year’s edition of the Major Market Retail Report, which is available for a minimum fee of C$3,295.

Ed Strapagiel, Kubas vice president, said the survey asked respondents to rank retailers — in a multitude of categories in addition to furniture, appliances and consumer electronics.

“It’s not just a popularity contest,” Strapagiel said. “The results are much more realistic, based on shoppers’ personal experience.”

Consumers gave The Brick the No. 2 spot and, in a move that will no doubt surprise most furniture industry insiders, Wal-Mart Canada was ranked third.

Others mentioned in the furniture and appliances category of the survey were Bombay Company, Brault & Martineau, Corbeil, Leon’s, Sears Whole Home, Sleep Country Canada and United Furniture.

Consumers ranked The Brick third in the appliance category, behind Sears Canada and its sister channel Sears Home. Wal-Mart also was ranked third in the consumer electronics category.

The report also noted that the Internet has overtaken newspaper advertising as the second-best advertising approach, with flyers remaining in the top spot. Kubas attributes the sagging popularity of print ads to increased consumer acceptance of electronic flyers as more of them sign up to be placed on retailers’ e-mail distribution lists.


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